As humans, we have the highest level of intelligence on this Earth. We can use our intelligence for the greater good (and sometimes destruction) of just about every aspect of this world. If Solomon asked the Lord for wisdom and was blessed, one could deduce that Solomon was one of (if not the) wisest men our Earth has seen. My question to you all is, “Where does knowledge stem from?” Solomon’s answer to our question is fear if the LORD. When you read below, I want to note that step 2 is actually the first step. However, unless we seek and find said fear, we cannot begin our journey of knowledge. Also note that there is more to knowledge than the first three chapters of Proverbs (where I obtained this information), but I just want to get you thinking and started. I hope that you will dive into it further on your own.
1. Seek understanding like silver, and search for it as hidden treasures.
2. Fear the LORD.
I think the true fear is proof of your belief. It is then that you understand the true power of your Creator. However, your fear is also simultaneously comforted by the compassion, mercy, and grace of our God. Once you reach step 2 above, you gain the following.
Then you will understand the fear of the LORD and find the knowledge of God. For the Lord gives wisdom; from his mouth come knowledge and understanding; he stores up sound wisdom for the upright; he is a shield to those who walk in integrity. Guarding the paths of justice and watching over the way of his saints. Then you will understand righteousness and justice, and equity, every good path; for wisdom will come into your heart, and knowledge will be pleasant to your soul. We now reach a third stage in our search for wisdom. We are not just stuck in fear of the most powerful entity in the universe. His arms are wrapped around us. However, as you can see from the bold highlights above, you have to reach the third step, and only a certain type of person gets there.
3. Gain comfort in Wisdom.
So now I ask you, once you gain this great wisdom, do you have the power to evaluate and make decisions using your own knowledge? Nope, sorry, I would advise that you not try to do this. This brings me to step 4.
4. Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Now that the right decisions are being made, because you are making them with the Lord, you are to pay tribute.
5. Honor the LORD with your wealth and with the first fruits of all your produce; then your barns will be filled with plenty, and your vats will be bursting with wine.
I remember when I was 18 years old and started my first “real” job that was not based upon bagging groceries or any of the other various roles I worked in over the years at a nearby grocery store, a wise man (my dad) told me that he did not think I would have success in business without paying my tithe. Having grown up in the church, I did believe in God, so I began to pay my tithe. I want to avoid going into the whole “Prosperity Theology” fiasco, but I will say that I feel that he was 100% correct. I think that I have arrived to where I am today not because of what I did myself. I did not have a 3.75 GPA or even a degree from one of the top universities like most of my coworkers. So looking back, I see me entering my firm as an act of following God and his blessings rather than my own success.
Finally, I think there is one more step in this whole process of wisdom.
6. Do not despise the LORD’s discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the LORD reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.
The path is narrow, as we know, and difficult. The sins of our former life were fun. The problem with being born-again is that our minds are not erased. Please do not throw stuff at me for using this as a metaphor, but when unplugged from the Matrix, you know both worlds. You know the matrix (old you) is wrong and not real. But keep focused on your walk. Do everything you do in the name of Jesus Christ. Do not wish to satisfy the flesh is Paul calls it, but push forward to satisfy the desires of your God who loves you.
For those of you that are hurting and seeking to be cleansed of something in your life, I have a task for you. Now, you can’t tell anyone you are doing this though. If you have to work, you can do this as your work through out the day. I invite you to have a day of fasting and prayer. It is hard, but I am a big fan of it. Remember, do not tell anyone else what you are doing. If I am doing it, I just tell people I had a big breakfast or lunch depending on the meal that I am explaining why I can’t go grab a burger with someone. If you can, get somewhere and be alone. Turn off all electronics. Just sit there with your bible and read / pray for however many hours you can get away. If you have to work, then do it when you get home. If you have a family to take care of, do it after they go to sleep. No mater how you do it, get alone with God with no distractions. Remember though, this is a secret. This is time that you are giving to the Lord alone.