Saturday, July 18, 2009


I am official a registered seminary student! I went to Early Advisement, and the more I get involved with in seminary, the more it feels oh so right. We had to introduce ourselves at the session, and I found myself mentally cheering everyone on. Most of the group was young married men, with some of their wives attending seminary with them. It was really a beautiful scene though. It was people joining together for one cause for an audience of one. It was inspiring seeing young men and women making the decision to go into foreign countries to preach the word. Letting go of this world, and committing their life to a cause just as Paul. I love it.

I will only be taking two classes this semester:

Church History and Old Testament I

I am very excited, and I will post more information later. I have some work I need to get going on, but will come back with some better posts soon.

God Bless


  1. Blessings to you on your journey! I look forward to reading about your seminary experience. (OT 1 was the only class I got a C in, so I will pray you you ace it!)



  2. Yay! Congrats! May our Lord be with you and grant you all knowledge! Good Providence!

    In Christ,
